Finance : The management of money and other assets. It includes activities such as banking, investing, lending, budgeting, saving, and forecasting.
Investments: Allocation of funds into financial assets such as stocks, bonds, real estate, or
with the expectation of generating income or profit.
Project Funding : Providing capital to finance a specific project or initiative. This can involve
sources such as equity investors, banks, venture capitalists, or government grants.
Asset Management : Managing a client's investments and assets to achieve specific financial goals.
managers make decisions regarding portfolio composition, risk tolerance, and asset allocation.
Equity : Ownership in a company represented by shares of stock. Equity investors acquire ownership
stakes in
companies and typically expect to profit through capital appreciation or dividends.
Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) : The process of combining two companies through various types of
transactions, such as mergers (joining two companies into one) or acquisitions (one company purchasing